Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Keep Your Dog Safe At Home

!±8± Keep Your Dog Safe At Home

Now that you have adopted or rescued a dog, you should become savvy as to the potential safety hazards present so that you can keep your dog safe at home.

Dogs are naturally inquisitive. They sniff, the look, they hunt for food and toys, they explore. If your home is safe for your dog, there is generally nothing to worry about.

If safety hazards lurk in your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, garage and elsewhere, you dog could get into trouble, life threatening trouble. Rid your living environment of these hazards and you will keep your dog safe at home.

Some of the most common, household dangers which are potentially deadly to dogs are :

o Antifreeze

o De-icing salts

o Insecticides- found in many flea and tick preparations

o Pesticides

o Cedar and wood shavings

o String

o Bait

o Medications

o Batteries

o Household cleaners

o Nicotine

o Pool chemicals

Food items such as:

o Chocolate

o Potato

o Yeast dough

o Grapes and raisins

o Coffee

o Salt

o Macadamia nuts

o Chicken bones

o Onions

o Alcoholic beverages

o Many commercial dog food brands

Plants such as:

o Azalea,

o Geraniums

o Lilies

o Mistletoe

o Philodendron

o Toys- if parts are easy to remove

o Rawhide chews- if tainted with salmonella. Dogs can also choke on these

The ASPCA has a wonderful interactive site that you can use free of charge to determine if your house is poison and hazard free so that you can keep your dog safe at: http://www.aspca.org/ideum/petsafe.html

As in the case of human safety, studies show that the highest number of accidents and injuries occur at or near home. In the busy day to day world that we all live in it's easy to overlook that open bottle of ibuprofen, half empty container of motor oil in the garage or the new lilies that look so pretty sitting in a planter near the front door.

Correcting the problems in your home will keep you and your children safe and keep your dog safe as well.

Your visit to the ASPCA site will only take a few minutes of your time but that small investment may someday save the life of your dog. Please do this today.

Once you complete your visit to the ASPCA site, here's a few things you should do to keep your dog safe.

o Correct any hazards that were discovered at he ASPCA site. This may include, throwing away dangerous hazards, securing cabinets and dog proofing your home in accord with what you discovered

o Find out what's in your dog's food to determine if the brand you are using provides a health hazard for your dog by visiting : http://www.dogs-4life.com/dog-food-that-kills.html

o Make sure that everyone in the home knows about your project. Type up a list of hazards that can harm your family and your dog and post the list in a conspicuous place as a reminder. By doing this you will be on the way to protecting your family and keeping your dog safe

Keep Your Dog Safe At Home

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Friday, December 2, 2011

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How to Keep Your Contractors Honest and Safe with Electrical Repairs

!±8± How to Keep Your Contractors Honest and Safe with Electrical Repairs

It is a sad situation when a contractor uses their knowledge in a certain field to lure a real estate investor into spending more or buying more than they really need. Sometimes it is the LACK of information they provide that ends up costing you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. This is often the case with electrical repairs in a home you have whether it is your personal residence or an investment property.

I just had a conversation with a new investor who had some questions on how to know if a contractor may be taking advantage of them when it comes to electrical repairs.

Let me say that first, I am not an electrical engineer, contractor, or in anyway a licensed and bonded electrician. I suggest strongly that you do not rely solely on the information in this article to attempt electrical repairs yourself unless you have the proper credentials to perform work in this field.

What I do offer to you are years of experience in dealing with electrical repairs, performing many of my own, and much of my knowledge working with it over the years in the aircraft, computer, and home environments.

Books are written on the complexities of electricity but the concept itself should not cause the new investor to run for cover if the light does not illuminate when you flip the switch. As humans we are naturally afraid of the unknown and I hope this article takes away a bit of the unknown and makes you less afraid to deal with a power source that is essential to our lives.

I am not afraid of electricity, I give it the healthy respect I would any other type of power source whether it is natural gas, fire, a hot stove, or even a spinning fan. Any one of these sources of power or applications of power can hurt you if you are not careful and it always helps to be somewhat knowledgeable to ensure that you are careful.

We learn at a young age not to touch a stove, bite into a hot pizza with cheese, or dive into water without first checking certain things. We take these for granted as we get older, but some things like electricity still seem mysterious and magical because we do not fully understand how they work.

A full understanding of any of these things is not necessary. We simply have to know enough to keep our environment safe whether for us, a tenant in a rental home, or a home we wish to sell. I will try my best to keep this short, simple, and understandable.

Electricity like natural gas is generally invisible to the naked eye. There are some exceptions, but for the most part this is true. You cannot tell by looking at a wire if it has electricity running too it or not. You would be foolish to grab the wire to see if it was energized (power running to it) or if it was not energized or dead in a steady state and harmless.

Here is a brief overview of how electrical power arrives at your house for use.

Electricity is generated by the power company by spinning a loop of wire in between two or more magnets in many different configurations. The machine is called a turbine and is turned by many things from powerful water behind a dam to steam generated from coal or a nuclear reactor. Other less conventional ways involve windmills, solar cells, or batteries all of which use motion or a chemical reaction to produce electricity. Electricity is energy in the form of tiny molecules called electrons which travel across wires or other surfaces.

OK, good to know, but how do I know if the contractor is cheating me?

We will get to that in a minute.

Electricity is generally transmitted over long distances by high tension lines between cities. We have all seen them.

Electricity has several components but the most important terms are volts and amps. The two multiplied together give us a definition of power. We could include resistance, ohms, and a bunch of other terms but we will keep it as simple as we can.

From the main high tension lines on the very high towers, the electricity is "stepped down" to a more manageable level. You have probably passed these places with boxes and fans on them with wires coming in and out surrounded by a fence with warning signs on it. This is the first step-down to occur. From here, the electricity is transmitted over lines usually at the top of the electrical poles in the city to various neighborhoods and business.

The voltage is still very high and powerful on these lines. Do you notice that the birds on these lines can land there without a problem? Even squirrels can run across them and not be hurt even though there may be more than 7,000 volts moving through the lines. Could you touch them and not be hurt? Sure, but only with certain conditions.

There are a couple of simple laws that electricity follows. First is that it will always seek the ground or the earth. You are in danger if you are in the path of electricity trying to reach the ground or the earth. In short, if you touch the wire while hovering magically in the air nothing would happen to you just like the bird or the squirrel. However if you are in contact with the ground and touch it your body becomes the conductor and you will receive a shock or burn. That is about as simple as it gets. You can only be hurt if electricity passes through you on its way to the place it seeks.

OK, back to the power lines or "primary lines" as they are called at the top of the poles. These lines are connected to those boxes you see attached to the power poles and are called transformers. They simply are used to reduce the voltage and power in the lines to the current or power we use in our homes. In the U.S. that is about 117 volts (115-120) that is delivered to our house. The electricity passes through a meter usually in a glass dome that shows how much power is being used. A spinning disk is used in most to increase the dials above it to reflect how much we use. The electrical company compares the last amount with the new amount and charges us based on the amount of power we use. You can look at your bill and see how many kilowatt hours you used in a given month.

From here, the electricity is passed into the electrical box in our house. A main breaker determines how much electrical power we are allowed to use at the standard volts mentioned above. The standard may be 200 amps or more if you look in your box or less if you live in a manufactured home or a travel trailer. Amps are the amount of power we use at a standard voltage.

The box distributes power to the outlets, stove, pool, hot tub, AC/Heat, light sockets and dryer plugs in the home. Only two voltages are used: 230volts and 115 give or take a few.

Electrical plugs run on 115 volts and heavier powered items run on 230 volts like the stove, clothes dryer, A/C/Heater, and maybe a pool or hot tub. The breakers in the electrical box tell us the story. A 115 breaker is used for most standard outlets and light fixtures. A 220 breaker is used for the higher use items. When one or more appliances or devices "pull too many amps above the breaker's rating" the breaker will shut off as a protection mechanism. You all have probably "popped" a breaker at one time or another.

The numbers vary. You may see voltage from 110-120 on a standard "leg" of power. A "leg" is a line of current coming in from the power pole. Most homes have two separate "legs" of power or two lines each with 110-120 volts. When we combine the two legs we have enough power to drive the A/C, pool, or clothes dryer at 220-240 volts, we simply double the voltage.

A third line is provided called the "neutral" line and is normally colored white in the box. When one or two of the "hot" legs of power are combined with the neutral line...anything in between making contact with these wires is "energized or powered".

The Standard Outlet in the Home: Most outlets these days look the same. One of the vertical slots is slightly smaller than the other. On plugs without the third prong it prevents us from plugging the cord in to the outlet in reverse. This is called a "polarized" outlet and makes sure the hot and neutral lines on the plug fit in only one way. With a three pronged plug you do not have a choice...there is only one way it can go in the outlet. The third prong is a "ground" and protects us and the device by providing a path for the electricity to follow should a wire break and touch the outside of the appliance.

The "hot" line or leg should always be the smaller or shorter of the two inserts on the outlet. The larger insert is connected to the neutral line and the nearly circular hole is the ground insert.

Standard wiring practices use the following colors of wires:

Black is a hot or energized wire.
Red is a secondary energized wire or used between two switches that can be shut on or off from either location.
White is the neutral line. It is not powered but is the preferred path for the electricity to follow on its way out of the device.
Green is the ground line connected directly to the earth.

Note: the hot wire does not care if the neutral or the ground is its mate in the circuit--either one will complete the circuit. BUT, it should use the correct one regardless which in most cases is the neutral wire.

Note: not all homes follow the standard wiring colors!! Very important!
Shoddy installation, cutting corners, using left-over wire or miss-wiring a device is not uncommon. Knowing this will prevent a lazy contractor from not following conventional methods if you can recognize the problem. You can bet the inspector will if he has visual access to the wires!

Electrical work is often done by individuals who have limited knowledge of power and how it should be wired. If you stay in the real estate business long enough you will be amazed at what these contractors think they can get away with.

Arm yourself with this basic knowledge. It is better to learn a few basics and check the work yourself before it is hidden by the wall. The inspector will plug devices into the outlet and tell immediately if it is wired correctly. Rule: always have a licensed inspector examine work and sign off on it.

Let your contractor know up front that you will be checking the wiring and it had better be in accordance with the standards and laws. They will be less likely to cut corners and create a safety issue down the road. You do not want to face a lawsuit or a fire, injury or death because this article puts you into "mental overload".

Lastly, Ground Fault Interrupts (GFI) plugs or circuit breakers are mandated near areas with water like the kitchen and bathrooms. You may not always SEE the GFI plug, but it should be wired in so that it control all outlets. Check by pushing the test button to pop the outlet's interrupt and then check all outlets near water. Some homes use a GFI breaker in the box. Test it by pushing the button.

Keep your contractors on their toes and your homes safe with these simple instructions and always turn for help to a licensed electrician with any questions. Always practice safety in all projects and use education to overcome any fear of any subject.

How to Keep Your Contractors Honest and Safe with Electrical Repairs

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Friday, November 11, 2011

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Five Steps to Keep Your Home Safe

!±8± Five Steps to Keep Your Home Safe

Burglary is one of the easiest to prevent, yet one of the most common crimes around. In the U.S., a burglary is committed every fifteen seconds. When we hear about it, we only hear of the stolen property's value, not the emotional scars the thieves left behind. A break-in, even if it occurs without you being there, creates a major impact on your and your family's sense of security and well-being.

There are several things you can do to secure your home. Below are steps on how to keep your family and your home safe.

Five Steps to a Safe Home:

1. Do not advertise that you are away from home. Burglars are on the lookout for unoccupied homes. If you make your house appear occupied when you are away, most thieves will simply pass by it. You can do this by using automatic light timers in your entire house and set them to turn on and off in such a way that it simulates your normal patterns. Find those with a backup battery so the timer will not stop in case of power outage. Using timers with more on-off cycle creates the impression of movement from room to room. The same pattern can also be used to turn TVs and radios on and off. Turn down the volume of your phone ringer so someone outside will not hear it ring and realize no one is around to answer it.

Arrange for your lawn to be cut or snow removed from walkways if you are going away for a long period. Do not stop your mail and newspaper delivery but ask a neighbour to pick them and hold them for you. One more thing, do not leave notes on your door advertising you're away. This just means a "come on in" to burglars.

2. Never leave your doors and windows unlocked and do not hide the key to your house outside where it can easily be located. Use metal doors or solid core secured with fine quality deadbolt locks. Look for doors with ANSI grade 1 rating. They should have horizontal bolt at least one inch long. Shorter bolts will enable burglars to use tools to spread the doorframe and open your door. Consider locks with anti-saw pin that makes it hard to saw through the bolt with a hacksaw and locks that come with anti-drill feature using hardened steel chips inside that will break a drill in case a burglar will try to drill through your lock.

A glass panel or window that is closer than forty-two inches to the lock should be strengthened with an invisible security film so an intruder will not be able to break the glass and reach through to unlock the door. Attach an alarm system to the windows and have locks that operate from the inside. Reinforce your windows by coating them with impact-resistant film.

3. Cut tree limbs that hang over your roof and remove lower branches from trees next to the home. Remove or trim back shrubbery next to your door and windows. Use security lighting to lighten up every door. The main door should be illuminated with a light fixture with two bulbs or with two fixtures.

Use outside lighting with motion detectors in your driveway, yard and other outside areas. If a light comes on when someone comes near, a burglar is unlikely to break into your home. Bear in mind that the side and back of your house offer concealment for a burglar who want to break in. Pay close attention to securing every entrance and avoid installing a tall fire or privacy fence because it offers bigger concealment.

4. Install a Home Security Alarm System. Although this is not a guarantee that thieves will not enter your property, but it will make it more difficult for them by increasing the risk of being seen and caught. If it is obvious that you have your house alarmed, an intruder may opt for an easier target. Consider using glass-break sensors that sets off an alarm at the sound of a glass door or window being broken.

5. The best security for your home comes from knowing your neighbors. Make sure that you meet your neighbors so that you can request them to keep an eye on your property when you are away. Most neighbourhoods have watch program. If yours do not have one, consider to organize one. Many local law enforcement agencies have people available who can assist you organize and plan a watch program to keep not only your possession safe but also your family for that matter.

Five Steps to Keep Your Home Safe

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Technology and Techniques Used in Industrial Espionage

!±8± Technology and Techniques Used in Industrial Espionage

Industrial espionage. These methods are used every day by competitors maybe even against you. I knew that a private investigator who used to break into other business voicemail. He was suspected of deleting messages and stealing potential clients. I know you can
, I do not think is correct. Maybe so, but if a private investigator can not protect him / her for what I use for a client.

This happens all the time. If you think that is bad here inU.S. seeks to
Abroad. And 'more or less
Fair Game and rarely applied. Even the Concord was remembered
His heavily bugged.

What you can see, it is surprising how easy it is to be done. It could also
off the shelf items are in fact fully assembled models are available and

The best way to learn is to do. A bit 'of paranoia and a lot of imagination
goes a long way. Just looking around your house and see what isbe used. Child
The monitors can be remotely activated and used to listen to you. The phone
can be breached by the Bluetooth function, so not only all data is copied,
but the settings can be changed. The phone can be called and answered
without you knowing, listen to what your conversation. Their
Phone can also be used to make a call to another person without that you are touching a
Ideal button for stress purposes. It was a techniqueoriginally developed
seen from a distance, what you see on TV
now adapted for computer screens. You can find the plans for the construction of these
Internet from multiple parts. This is in Europe, particularly in the Balkans all
Time machines. There is still the good old
Scanner Radio fashionable to listen to cordless phone calls. Then you can say: "Now I
a digital broadcasting spectrum model using 2.4 or 5.8 frequencies. "

True, it is a good protection,But after a little 'packets of data (digital remember)
can be re-assembled and decoded. Fortunately, this takes time, but you can buy one
digital scanner to listen to conversations in real time. Software can also
Abroad to work with scanners and laptops for listening to cell phone calls. A
Interesting side note that some of these companies, that such an injunction
Devices constantly stealing from each other.

Outside of your home or basement of your houseBuilding Boxes
where the service is provided via phone. You only need a phone /
Job lineman set or build one from a phone to listen in

To say: "What has to do with safety at work are" Now, as a rule
Some people turn when looking for an agent of an organization. In addition,
may be a scapegoat and distraction of the investigators.

Believe it or not, is often IT and security staff that are aligned.
Even if they can realize security privileges, which is even higher
most. We often use a popular program and recognized remote access, if
Telecommuting. If you can capture their username and password that all potentially
you need. Sometimes it may be more advanced authentication

For example, you access the server or firewall, you may request to bypass
Authentication extras. Sometimes it can be a MACAddress. This is the
unique serial number burned into network cards. These can be copied and can
change for you, that with software. If the IP address,
then you can see your IP address and the switch.

If you are computer of the victim and place your remote access program,
Do not use with names like Back Orifice by hackers. With that
already, such as PC Anywhere or Remote Desktop would be ideal.Do not worry
on the fight against a wireless network. Even with the active safety, which could
just a speed bump be dedicated a. If the investigation of an infected computer and then I
should make it appear as spam. If you have a firewall installed, you can probe and
which version they use. Then search for information on the cracks,
Firewall. Any firewall can be breached, and guess what? You can pause at any time
their homes and all that is required is thatare placed.

Alarm systems can be defeated relatively easily if you know how. Frequently
This burglar alarm systems were installed by poorly trained or overworked
Employees who take shortcuts to get the job done. Sometimes you will actually see
keypads mounted outside the door of a house or easily visible
Window to see. What happens if they cut the telephone line or cover the siren? Locks can
be circumvented by means other than a simple lock picking. Theircould install a high
Security lock, but if all the hardware around it is weak for what is good?

Dogs can be difficult and are usually the most difficult obstacle to overcome. Faith
or not, small dogs, which are the worst. Great fighting dogs can be overcome and
sedated or content, even those well-educated. But small dogs around
and a bat are a threat. Once a dog barks, the rest
Even the neighborhood dogs to join with a highFrequency audio device
can irritate the dog on a property that you want to alert the other dogs.

If you break in, check the bedroom and the first. The rooms are where the
main points are as a rule. They are not there to steal, but instead
Bugs, software, etc., and everything of interest, such as a security card, Hardcopy
Disc or button. Bring a digital camera and photograph the scene before
nothing. If there is too much dust, then leave him alone.Powder leaves a telltale sign
this is very clear when he moved. Most locks are used to ensure banks are easy to
to bring so that is a big problem.

Bring a hard drive device cloning a Linux boot disk to copy the entire hard disk
Units. In this way, even if they can crack a password protected and encrypted by a
later on their own. You can play your MP3 player and bring
behaves as a second laptop hard drive iPod.
This can be especially useful when in a publicEnvironment. Someone is thinking of you
are fiddling with an MP3 player, but in reality you get someone
Hard drive. Enter all the necessary cables, since some machines may not have to
specific port, such as Firewire. If you have a faster data transfer and the port type, then
All funds must be used. You can do something else while they occupied the copy of the data.
Remember to look under the keyboard for passwords and monitor the post-it notes.
These small pieces of paper areGold mines. Also, and perhaps most important,
Copying data from cell phones and PDAs as they become available. This can be abolished
Cable to connect your laptop or PDA. There are specialized units for this laptop
Purpose. The safe, they are usually one in the bedroom. Use a metal-
Detector to find. Place the metal detector wand to the lowest, so that only a
significant cause of metal object. Sometimes it may contain something for sure is
canUsed as blackmail.

There are devices which provide for the installation of a dial, which automatically attempts
countless combinations, some are stand-alone, while others are connected via
Laptop computer. You can also try combinations of the basis for the make and model. Some
sure to use the technical standards or the combination can try something that you can use
I remember the birthday of a child. If all else fails, 36-24-36, is
very popular with certain bachelors. Position error around the houseis usually
useless. Most people have a tendency to use the TV or stereo when set
I'm at home. The only exception might be waiting on the head of the bed and
Pillow Talk. You can also focus on telephone lines. You can use a cell
Telephone at home but again you may not be able to listen to the conversation.
Even when using a laser microphone that focuses a beam against a window and
Vibrations in a room can not work, especially ifThey have plush carpets or heavy

You can always read a conversation on video from his lips, when the sound is not
available. If you have the time and have a garage, if it opens automatically.
Go through the garage door and a copy of the same distance. This works
even with the rolling code models. This is only a general overview of the only thing you can do.
Pay attention to the soles of your shoes before and after a pause would suggest to check
to make use of a popular brand in the police force a cast impression. You can
According to hospital booties over your shoes instead to cover the tracks.

It should not be a bad idea, a jogging suit as opposed to being dressed up as
Ninja. If you would not be too suspicious. It is advisable to take as
probably as little as possible.

If you have more time, is the best way to infiltrate an organization, to join her. When
not directly then as one ofthere is the support of people such as food service or construction
Maintenance. Cleaners usually work for hours under the control a little. ' This
The companies have a high turnover, recruitment, and they do not always
Background checks. If you show for an interview or some kind of sale is not
Pitch come mentally prepared. Hang around the places where the target
Organization are the employees and pretending to be a headhunter. The hand of someone your
Demo CD. Of course, the CDshould be farther than you expect. Anti-virus
The protection can be bypassed completely with this method. I also assume that
They have done countless times without thinking twice.

If the interview is a technology-based position, you tip your hand
familiar with the question, what do you think so and so. A good ability to obtain
to the ability to read documents on a desk in front away from you. While
This is a good developmentMemory for details, especially the numbers.

Among the few acting classes might help here. I like situations
In this way, making this the ideal time bugs are present. If you think you can
discovered, only to have something in their trash. Blow nose
When you make a micro-transmitter in it. I doubt anyone will inspect the contents of
used a tissue. It will eventually get rid of it for you. There is a possibility that
that element couldstaff, found that offer paper shredding services. More
Companies do not use this service. This could also be a good idea to do a little '
Dumpster diving and then see what they throw
out. You can wear a micro-camera and record everything you see. Only
pretend to listen to an iPod or something. Whatever you do, you pretend
. Membership If someone tries to stop, start some songs groove and imaginary
Head for the elevator. They alwaysa ready excuse. You can also do something
known as ham radio video. It transmits video images via radio, more
frequently used by rescue teams. This differs from the conventional hidden
Video systems used outdoors.

Video systems tend to use much battery power, so bring spare parts. Ideally,
It would be nice to put cameras in the copy machine, a photocopier, but usually
Best engineers achieved this goal. Some operators have
pushed upreplace entire machines. The fax is best for
Palpitations. No one seems to suspect that this is under control, but all controlled
other thing. You might think that a great DSL filter, but maybe not. When
there is a door with a lock still attached try to remove damaged. A good
Locksmith master key can be constructed through the analysis of the piston. With a little 'practice
You can also do this. Cut a key for before and after removing spacers
Pens, if they have them. This is a so-called
Master keying system. What would you do it is the master key. This
allows unlimited access.

If you start opening the doors, be aware that there may be door contacts.
These are magnetic switches to burglar alarms and access control systems are used. Their
able to use electronic tools to help trace the magnets and use magnets to deceive their
the door.

There are several devices that canto record and analyze security /
prox / access control cards Weigand output. The Weigand card is issued when
Reader sends a radio wave carrying the card. The card sends
a unique identifier. This is what you want to capture. With another device, you can
replicate this identifier, usually with a PDA. The laptops are better, but obviously
compared to a PDA. Smart card and magnetic stripe of conventional
Types of credit card can be found to be duplicated onon the spot. Just be aware that in most
Modern access control software, the face appears on screen
accompanies the card is used to enter a group. If
is a numeric keypad can be used UV light to check for patches and you can
advice from there. If you have access to a thermal imaging device, you can
Refer to the heat signatures. These are so cheap now that they appear in
the most unlikely places. Hunters arethe slight advantage that
gives them. In general, the strongest track is the youngest. This will be the last
pressed. From there you can imagine as a result. Many systems have a
Three strikes and you're in politics, so proceed with caution. Otherwise, if you
remain in a Mantrap, and you are trapped behind closed doors and security

Biometrics is becoming increasingly popular, but as you probably guessed may
be rejected. It 's raresomeone to clean the prints. Many of these devices
fingerprints are based, so that copies of the fingerprints. One possibility is to use them right away
Biometric reader itself. Some of the crime scene photographers have special software or
Movies, photos accented by fingerprints. Some scanners that control retinal
and how it can occasionally be fooled by trying a series of well-made fake
Eyeballs and a flashlight. You can remotely access the camera and security system
is (are pre-paid phone supplied) through the Internet or via a telephone line. Their
can also access privileges on a blank card and delete video files

Sometimes video files can also be network-based storage. Again
access should anything with a trace of your existence. You can also defeat the
Cameras individually. Strong lighting devices draw a picture or something that emits
strong electrical signals canstatic or snow. If the camera is too far you can
use a HERF (hi-energy radio frequency) gun. This can send a focused burst which
can either be disruptive or destructive. Think of using your cell phone next to a
clock radio for an analogy. These are not as hard to acquire as you might

If you are this close you should monitor the security guards' radio frequency.
You can use a radio that can communicate with theirs try not to talk to them for any
reason. Many sites are now recording radio transmissions for insurance

Voice print recognition has come a long way. Be aware of their call signs and
any related lingo. If you have a crazy notion of knocking out a guard just be aware
that their radios have a tilt feature so if a guard goes down there is an alert. If you
are thinking about doing a late night sneak and peek consider the perimeter
defenses. The use of fiber optics in fencing is common and almost invisible to the
intruder. Break a branch onto it so that part of the fencing system is deactivated or
simply overlooked.

In and around can also be seismic intrusion detection, which basically is
sensitive to footsteps. This can be tricked with a device called a thumper. It is
basically a box that stamps its foot at whatever pace. Certain cameras may be
programmed to react to the disturbance. If you are looking for infrared sources use
a passive night vision scope/goggle. You are looking for IR emissions; you are trying
not to create your own which an active model could do. There are little badges you
can wear that can alert you if you are under IR observation. Do not wear divers
watches since the tritium will light you up like a ghost to any nocturnal observer
with night vision goggles. If the facility is using thermal imagery, than you will need
to really do your homework; chances are they are serious about protecting
whatever it is they are tasked with. One way to defeat that is by wearing different
types of neoprene suits. Everything must be covered not a very comfortable way to
spend an evening. Otherwise you will have to wait for a storm to hit before you
make a move.

Now you may not approve of the disclosure of such information. The truth is
such knowledge is freely available to anyone. Just buy a video game to get the latest
inventions and their use. Remember this: the most successful operations are the
kind that go undetected. Maybe a little bit of paranoia is
a good thing.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

-Wireless Dog Fence

!±8± -Wireless Dog Fence

Want to keep your dog or cat safe, but do not want a fence? Try an electric fence wireless dog or cat. Can be used indoors or outdoors. If you have some areas of your home or garden that you want from your dog or cat, as they have "No Trespassing" visa, then Fencing is the wireless way to go.

They use electric fences and containment systems, transmitter, plug in a wall of your home. The dog wears an electronic collar that receives radio signals from the transmitter. TheGive the dog signals harmless shots, making the dog to change the direction of attention. The transmitter allows the correction is used, proof that you can be what works best for your dog.

The internal systems, or avoidance of cat or wireless fence dog in a station, so you can keep your dog or cat from certain areas, such as your flower garden, or junk, or the couch or from the nursery.

The wireless electric dog fence consists of approximately half an acreWorking in a circular arc 90 feet. The transmitter works best when it is near the center of the radius of the sidewalk is located. It has no problem with that is not transferred to the transmission through walls, but the sheet, so as to keep the transmitter away from a metal roof, for example. Set with more than one transmitter allows a larger area to cover. Since the radio signals that sends signals that the enclosure must be no obstacles from the trees, large rocks or slopes that will not send a constantVisibility. A second story location for the transmitter can improve the visibility of small radially on a slope, but there must be a sight for the signal to work.

The transmission works with a receiver collar worn by the animal. The collar starts to play, and then send the static correction if the dog continues to the border area. The system made especially for cats is for their smaller bodies. The electronic collar for dog collars are bigger than others, and is too heavy forthe dog of 10 pounds. or however it works great for medium-sized dogs that are large dogs, as an English Mastiff, for example. It should be snug but not constricting. You can do this leaving the room, from one finger between the end of the contact point and to examine the dog's skin. Make it a habit to check the contact whenever they are in contact with the collar is not correct!

Since this wireless system is portable, you can take with you when you visitVacation or at camp. And 'waterproof! Only establish the boundary conditions, and you and Pooch are willing to play without worrying about the wet collar.

The batteries are replaceable for the fence and generally last about 2-3 months, depending on how often your dog proves the border area. A flashing light goes off 4-5 seconds to let you know when the pasta is low. It seeks to relax or go. Let your dog run around and play in its new security zone and keep the cat from the sofa, whileThey're gone!

-Wireless Dog Fence

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Invisible dog fences electric - Information to "shock" you can

!±8± Invisible dog fences electric - Information to "shock" you can

The question is: electric dog fences are inhumane? The answer unfortunately is not so simple. People (and dogs) are on both sides of the fence so to speak.

It seems that an invisible electric dog is the perfect solution for your pet to keep within the confines of your home, without a fence that can distract from the design of your home and garden. Of course, the beauty of an invisible "fence" is the possibility of damage to your beloved pet?Of course not.

Here's what you should know about invisible electric dog fences:

• I'm not so inhuman as people might think.

• You provide a full discharge - rather it is the shock that the animal receives, as they try to cross the line looks more like a static electric shock, which can be given after rubbing your feet along the carpet and then touching someone. Before buying a shock collar to try to ask about the shock - if you feel terrible,then you want to shock with a lower power.

° Again, it is important to note that the shock was not that the dog would get to be painful - it's just uncomfortable, something that your dog is to be avoided.

Collars • Many more levels of stimulation - you can keep the lowest value.

• The collar can not burn the neck of your dog, even with the higher setting.

• For years, the electric fences were used toControl of cattle ...

• A mild shock is a million times better for your dog than we could expect if they escape - a slight shock, is by far not as bad as the dangers of the road or run away.

• Is it okay if you put your dog in a rainstorm with his collar - not electrocute.

• The batteries can lose the shock collar, and then they must be replaced. Of course, if you learned the boundaries of your dog, it ismuch less likely to cross it.

• Recognition that you just created and electric fence and expect your dog to understand now - you still have to train your dog.

· Remember that an electric fence does not keep other dogs from entering the yard and attacking your dog, you do not keep your dog from attacking the children who could walk to it.

• Your dog may still be able to cross the border! And if, on the other hand, there is nothing to stopYour dog.

• Your dog can not connect directly with the shock of the border. Instead, if the dog is shocked when, for example, a child is walking, the group may be a child impact =. There is a possibility that the training will backfire!

All in all, you should not people who have used the collars and invisible fences are extremely dangerous to hear. Been associated very rarely, there have been no serious incidents with these collars.

However, you shouldbe aware of other problems (like other animals and people are able to enter your garden), which, through the creation of a fence "visible", instead of an invisible dog electric fence could be resolved.

Invisible dog fences electric - Information to "shock" you can

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Pyle PBAT1000 1000 AMP 16V Battery Capacitor (Car Battery with Built-in Capacitor)

!±8± Pyle PBAT1000 1000 AMP 16V Battery Capacitor (Car Battery with Built-in Capacitor)

Rate : | Price : $138.05 | Post Date : Aug 05, 2011 14:21:06
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

A great sound system needs a great capacitor: a high-demand audio setup can often place extra demand on your car's electrical system. When you need power, especially for booming bass and soaring highs, this Pyle Battery/Capacitor combo will have it at the ready. Providing 16 volts of power, it's got all you need to make sure your system sounds awesome and stays safe: a blue digital voltage readout to show you how much power is available, electronic polarity Protection, and an over voltage Protection circuit. The black chrome plated case looks great, too. Easily mounts in any position.

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Monday, August 1, 2011

DEWALT DC9180 18 -Volt Lithium-Ion Battery Pack

!±8±DEWALT DC9180 18 -Volt Lithium-Ion Battery Pack

Brand : DEWALT
Rate :
Price : $74.99
Post Date : Aug 02, 2011 01:28:05
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Design with long-lasting power for all your projects, the DC9180 18-volt battery pack from DEWALT features innovative NANO technology for truly outstanding performance. Designed to work with nearly all DEWALT 18-volt power tools, this battery can be re-charged 2,000 times and has no memory. The DC9180 relies on either the DC9310, DC9320 or DC9319 chargers (not included).

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Maha PowerEx MH-C801D Eight Cell 1-Hr Charger - Battery charger - 1-2 hr - 8xAA/AAA

!±8± Maha PowerEx MH-C801D Eight Cell 1-Hr Charger - Battery charger - 1-2 hr - 8xAA/AAA

Rate : | Price : $64.84 | Post Date : Jul 28, 2011 10:52:29
Usually ships in 24 hours

The MH-C801D features EIGHT independent circuits that charge one to eight AA or AAA batteries in any combination. Recharge in 1 hour regardless of number of batteries in normal mode. In Soft Charging Mode, recharges in two hours. The MH-C801D charger incorporates a large LCD screen displaying the charging status of each battery. The English-language-based display (CHARGE, DONE, CONDITIONING, etc) replaces traditional LED indicators. The MH-C801D provides user with the option to choose between a soft charge and a fast charge mode. The soft charge delivers the highest battery life and allows 100% compatibility with older, lower capacity batteries. The fast charge allows eight batteries to be fully charged to their maximum capacity in around one hour! The Eight Cell charger is embedded with a high-rate battery conditioner that will charge, deep-discharge and recharge batteries automatically for maximum rejuvenation. Maha Energy's team of engineers developed a brand new Eight Cell, 0.001V resolution, microprocessor. This microprocessor will charge batteries to their maximum capacity without overcharging or undercharging. The new precision microprocessor assures maximum battery longevity. The MH-C801D delivers just the right charge every time! The MH-C801D intelligent system will charge batteries anywhere around the world with a heavy duty switching AC Power Supply. This 100-240V, 50/60Hz universal adapter employs a rugged DIN connector for reliable contact. The MH-C801D is perfect for home, office or travel!

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